face lift exercise

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Face Lift Exercises

This is Ramya from Face Gym Center. Want to have more sculpted face…..that don’t show the ageing signs like dropping eyelids, tired eyes, sagging face and Nasolabial lines.

Let’s practice some exercises that can help us in face lift.


Exercise 1: Face Lift

This one single exercise will help you a lot.
Before starting the exercise I want you to take a mirror and give a close look on your face. Note on your face things like which eyebrow is higher and which is lower? Which eyebrow is bigger? Can you see any horizontal lines on your face or not? Which nonsalable line is much deeper and longer? Which side of mouth has higher corner etc. Note all minute detail about your face. You can even take your picture to compare the before and after look of your face.

Now let’s start the exercise:

  • Relax your shoulder, breadth from your nose. Bring your right hand in 45 degree and raise your left hand in upwards direction.
  • Now bring the left hand at the corner of right eye and stretch this area with first finger and middle finger.
  • In the meanwhile tilt your hand a little towards left hand side, open your mouth and bring your tongue out (as long as possible and say ssshhhh) parallel to your right hand. Now relax
  • Repeat this exercise in other part of the face.
  • Bring your right hand in 45 degree. Raise your right arm towards the ceiling and bring it to the corner of left eye. Stretch the corners with first finger and middle finger.
  • In the meanwhile tilt your hand a little towards right hand side, open your mouth and bring your tongue out (as long as possible and say ssshhhh) parallel to your left hand. Relax……

When you lift your face with fingers you will see changes Nasolabial lines and other face lines. Practise this pose in front of mirror until you become familiar how to stretch each side of your face.

After doing exercise compare your before and after look of face.

It is very important to place finger in right position:

  • Place ring finger at the corner of your eye to lift eyelid, and
  • Place middle finger in the temple area to lift cheek area and Nasolabial folds.

Thank you,

Exercise 2:  Keeping Face Symmetrical

Is your face symmetrical? Do you think so? If you are not sure, take a mirror and see which eyebrow is raised. Still if you are unable to see the difference, take a photo and compare the difference between both sides of face.

If you notice one mouth corner is higher than other or one eyebrow is higher than other, you are in need of doing this exercise to make your face symmetrical.

Now it’s time to do the exercise BUT before starting exercise one thing more to say….AND it is very important.

If you feel your right side is higher than use your right index finger and if you feel your left side is higher use your left index finger. Again repeating, if you feel your right side is higher than use your right index finger and if you feel your left side is higher use your left index finger

Now let’s start:

  • Let’s say my right is higher. So, I am going to use my right index finger. Place index finger immediate above right eyebrow and apply firm pressure in downward direction.
  • In the meanwhile, raise your left eyebrow 10 times (without moving right eyebrow)


Do this exercise often and repeatedly until you feel the symmetry in both sides of face. Take as many before and after photos to compare both sides of face.



Exercise 3: Lower Face Lift

This exercise is very helpful in getting rid from sagging lower face near mouth.

Let’s start the exercise:

  • Place your middle, index and ring finger of both hands on the jawline near the ears like this……(image)…….
  • Stretch your lower face towards the ear using three fingers.
  • Now make a pout and blow air. Do this step 10 times. Now relax
  • Do this exercise in 5 sets.


This exercise will reduce the fine lines under the mouth and prevent it from sagging.



Thank you,

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